S T May 1831
Sarah Trogdon or Samuel Trogdon?
As you can see from the document detailing the personal items of Sarah Trogdon, sold at her estate sale, the date of the estate sale is just a few months after the date on the tombstone.  But, the date on the tombstone is also just a few months after the estate sale for Samuel Trogdon.  So, who is buried here?  If you can help answer this question, please contact Jean Covington LaCoss

(1) Someone contacted me about something they said they had seen your website.  She said it was a picture of the headstone of ST who died May 11, 1831 and the question was raised if this was Sally (Sarah-wife of Samuel) or Samuel's headstone.  It definitely wouldn't be the grave of Sally (Sarah), wife of Samuel, as we know she was alive when she petitioned for dower in August, 1831. That petition was granted during the Nov. session of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1831, but it is possible that she was dead by then, as the sale of her minimal property was in early December, but she was alive in August.

(2) Hopefully I cleared up a little the Samuel situation. His estate sale was in August.  Her estate sale was in December.  He died in May, she died between August when she filed for Petition of Dower and December 9th, with the sale and I believe they had to post publicly 30 days notice of the sale, so she would have died in November probably, but she didn't die in May. Since Abigail his first wife, the mother of all his children is there, I feel quite comfortable that this is Samuel's headstone and not Sally (Sarah).   If any Trogdon researchers have any information that can shed further clarification or facts to this, please contact me, we are always in search of the facts and the Trogdon truths.

(3) I believe somewhere in that cemetery lies Ure Trogdon, his wife Deborah Trogdon and Ephriam Trogdon.  Jean Covington LaCoss