Elias Allred (son of Thomas) Revolutionary War Pension Application
Main Document Transcription
State of Georgia
County of Hall
On this the 7th day of June eighteen hundred and thirty three personally appeared before John Bates, John M McAffee, & Wiley E. Wood, Justices of the Inferior Court of Said County Elias Allred Senr. a resident of Hall 'County & State of Georgia and Seventy five years the 6th day of May last agreeable to a record of his age Kept by his parents who being first duly Sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and Served as herein stated:
That he was drafted into the Service of the United States about the first of December in the year Seventeen hundred and eighty for a three months tour of duty under Capt John Hines who commanded a Company of Horse (deponent furnishing his own horses) and was attached to Col. John Littrells Regiment Major Ghotston (sp?) also belonged to the said regiment and also marched to where Gen'l Green's army was stationed near the Cheraw Hills in the State of South Carolina from thence we marched up Peedee River to Salisbury in North Carolina leaving Gen'l Green with his army to follow. We made a rapid march to meet with and assist Col. Morgan who was retreating from Wallis (after having defeated Tarlton at the Cowpens) when we reached Salisbury we found Col. Morgan with his army marching through town. Who placed the company of Calvary to I belonged together with about eighty of his riflemen to Guard until the main army could be ferried across the Yadkin River. But just about the time the last baggage waggon got onbord the Flat a party of Wallis men Said to be about one thousand came upon us. We fired two rounds and retreated and on the next joined Col. Littrel marched to the Barracks and in tow or three days was discharged tho time for which I was drafted having expired.
Just a few days after getting my discharge I substituted in place of a man by the name of John Sitten for a three months tour of duty in the Cavelry again and under the same officers and was marched to & fro through the State of North Carolina keeping down the tories and was in one pretty smart skirmish with the like which were commanded by a Col. Fanning a noted tory. I think this tour of duty was commenced about the first April 1781. Having Served out this tour of duty. I with several others of the same company agreed to stand as what was termed minute men subject to the call of the same Captain and was frequently called on and was out sometimes two or three days at a time. I have no documentary evidence and know of no person by whom I can prove any service except John Duncan whose affidavit is annexed. I hereby relinquish my claim to a pension or annuity except the present and declare that his name is not on the pension roles of the agency of any State.
1st I was born the State of North Carolina but am not positive whether in Randolph or Orange County on the 6th day of May 1758.
2nd I have no record of my age though have seen one made in Book Kept by my father which is worn out or lost
3 I was living in Randolph County, North Carolina when called into service. I remained in the State of North Carolina until the year 1815 then removed to the State of South Carolina Pendleton District remained there until the year 1827 then removed to Hall County State of Georgia where I now live.
4 I was drafted into the first tour of duty and the Second I substituted
5 I recollected to have seen Green a Capt Skinner a Gen'l Stephens from Virginia but cannot say whether Gen'l Stephens was a regular officer or not.
6 I received a discharge from Capt Hines for my first tour of duty which is lost
7 John E. Brown, James Russel, Esqr, Simon Lerrell & the Reverend sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid
Elias (his mark A) Allred
John Bates JJC