2019 Allred Reunion Photos

John & Marilyn Allred, Linda Allred Cooper, Sue Estep,
Martha Allred, sisters Sue Allred Marshall and Kay Allred,
Nancy Allred Cox and Tom Moore

Martha Allred, Sue Allred Marshall and Kay Allred
looking at Thomas Allred's 1810 will

Visit to the Ancient Allred-Trogdon Cemetery

Bryan Allred of Maryport, England
modeling the 2019 Reunion T-Shirt
Bryan's ancestors lived within 7 miles of
John & Ellen Pemberton Allred in
Lancashire, England.  Bryan's DNA
matches the American Allreds!
Read a Research Report about Bryan's

Franklin Allred (middle wearing blue shirt)
drove his antique car to the reunion
From Left:  John Allred, Franklin,
Nancy Moss, Mike Kidd, Nancy Allred Cox

Martha Allred, Sue Allred Marshall and
Kay Allred studying the original
1810 will of Thomas Allred in the
NC Archives