Feb 2, 1737
Maryland Will Book DD1 21: 846 - Henry Enoch & Joseph Metcalf of Prince Georges County Planters being duly Sworn severlly depose & Swear tht they were at the late Dwelling house of Samuel Finnly late of the said County Merchant Dec'ed on the Sixteenth day of October last past & that the said Finnly then lay sick in bed & desired this Deponent Henry to mind what he the said Finnly was then going to say And afterwards said Henry afsd I leave all I have to Johny Aldridge or words to that effect Which words the Dep. Joseph heard the said Finnly speak. That there was no other present when the said Finnly spoke the said words but these Deponents And that he the said Finnly died of that sickness with four or five days after speaking the said words And that the best of their judgement & Apprehension the said Finnly at the time of speaking the said words was perfectly in his Senses. Sworn to Feb 2 1737 [1737/8] before me D Dulany Commsr. Signed Henry Enoch, Joseph Metcalf (his mark) The above deposition was taken at the Instance of Joseph Chaplin to avail as much as in law & Justice it might, which to that end I hereby order to be Entered in the Porceedings of the Perogative office
Oct 24, 1737
Know all Men by these Presents, That We Henry Enoch, John Upton, and John Perrin of Prince Georges County Planters are held and firmly bound unto the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province, in the full and just Sum of Three hundred Pounds Sterling Money of Great-Britain, to be paid to His said Lordship, his Heirs and successors:
To which Payment well and truly to be made and done, We bind our selves, and every of us, our and every of our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, in the whole, and for the whole, jointly and severally, firmly, by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals, and dated this Twenty fourth Day of October in the twenty third Year of His said Lordship's Dominion, &c. Anno; Domini 1737
The condition of the above Obligation is such, That if the above bound Henry Enoch Administrator of all and singular the Goods and Chattles, Rights and Credits, of Samuel Finley late of Prince Georges County, Deceased, do make, or cause to be made, a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattles, and Credits, of the said Deceased, together with a List of the Debts, sperate and desperate, which have or shall come to the hands Possession or Knowledge of the said Henry Enoch or into the Hands, Possession, or Knowledge, of any other person; for him and the same so made, do exhibit or case to be exhibited, into the Prerogative Court at Annapolis, at or before the Twenty fourth Day of January next ensuing. And the same Goods, Chattles, and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattles, and Credits, of the said Deceased, at the Time of his Death, that shall come to the Hands, Possession, or Knowledge, of the said Henry Enoch or to the Hands, Possession or Knowledge, of any other Person, for him do well and truly administer, according to Law, viz. Shall pay the Debts of the said Deceased, so far forth, as his Personal Estate shall extend, and the Law will charge, as also all such reasonable Charges and Fees as have arisen, or shall arise or become due to His Lordship's Officers, from the said Henry Enoch on Account of the said Deceased, or his Estate: And further, do make, or cause to be made, a true and just Account of his Administration, at or before the twenty fourth Day of October next. And all the Rest and Residue of the said Goods, Chattles, and Credits, which shall be found remaining upon the said Administrators Account, the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the Time being, shall deliver and pay unto the Person or Persons appointed by Law to receive the same. And if it shall hereafter appear that any Last Will and Testament was made by the said Deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein named, do exhibit the same into the said Court, making Request to have the same allowed and approved accordingly, if the said Henry Enoch being thereunto required, do render and deliver the said Letters of Administration, (Approbation of the said Testament being first had and made,) in the said Court: Then this Obligation to be void, and of no Effect; or else to stand, remain, and, be in full Force, Power, and Virtue, in Law.
Henry Enoch
Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Us
John Upton, John Perrin, John Gibson, William Rogers
Prince Georges County filed the following document with them Prince George's County Register of Wills, Original Administration Bonds, Samuel Finley, MSA C1147-10, box 10, folder 5.
Oct 29, 1737
On October 29, 1737 Robert Finley filed a bond there as administrator of Samuel's estate in Pennsylvania Chester County, Pennsylvania Archives, Probate File 614.
Oct 1737
Samuel Finley, Nottingham, administration bond and inventory. Samuel's inventory there consisted of 124 yards of linen and 36 deer skins, plus some cash. The Maryland estate inventory included household goods, another 180 yards of linen, 23 horses (including 5 colts) and other livestock Prince Georges County Register of Wills PD: 399-400, MSA C1228-3. (I think it was likely that Finley dealt in deerskin from the frontier in exchange for basics such as horses and cloth. He paid taxes as a landowner in Chester County from 1718 until 1732, so I suspect he was living on the frontier after that time Chester County Archives, Tax Index. https://mywebspace.wisc.edu/rpday/web/narrative/johnsrmd.html )
Feb 2, 1738
Henry Enoch relinquished his position as Administrator for the Finley estate Prince George's County Register of Wills, Original Administration Bonds, Samuel Finley, MSA C1147-10, box 10, folder 6, giving it to Joseph Chaplin.
Mar 28, 1738
March 28, 1738 - Joseph Chapline, in his capacity as executor of Finley’s estate, filed an action of debt against a Joseph Evans of Cecil County, MD. In this action, it was reported that Samuel Finley was charged by Joseph Evans, in Oppecon County of Orange, with stealing a horse in Chester County, PA in 1735. (The reference to Oppeckon County of Orange is to that part of Orange County, VA later split into old Frederick County, VA and Oppeckon refers to a creek near present-day Winchester, VA. Mike Marshall)
May 30, 1738
John Aldred having petuoned the Court setting forth that being a minor and a considerable estate being left him by one Sam’l Ffinley which if not timely taken care of may suffer very much and therefore prays to be admitted to chuse his guardian which is allowed of and the minor nominating Joseph Chaplain of Prince George’s County in the province of Maryland who is hereby admitted to prosecute and defend all suits pleas and actions for and in the account of the sd minor as the law directs. Orphans Court Minutes, Chester County, PA 1734-1746/7, pg 66; by Chester County Historical Society.
May 30, 1738 Orphan’s Court proceeding held in Chester County, Pennsylvania on 30 May 1738. In this proceeding, Chapline set forth a petition to the court which was worded as follows:
"JOHN ALDRED having petitioned the Court Setting forth that being a minor and a Considerable Estate being left him by SAM'L FFINLEY which if not timely taken care of may Suffer very much and therefore prays to be Admitted to Chuse his Guardian which is allowed of and the minor Nominating JOSEPH CHAPLAIN of Prince George’s in the province of Maryland who is hereby Admitted to prosecute & defend all Suits pleas and actions for and in the acct of the S'd Minor as the Law directs."